Dojo Training Program 2.0!
A structured plan to hold yourself accountable to and a group to do it with.
Completely new scoreboard, user profile, database of annotated games, & more
Updated tasks, books, sparring positions, games to study, games to memorize
Progress scores + time tracker for ultimate accountability
User ratings + plan completion stats
Group scoreboard for each cohort
Training Program task categories
Score breakdown by category
Time breakdown by category
User activity timeline
Annotated games database + viewer
Shared group calendar for training games & study sessions
Structured training plans for all levels between 0-2500 FIDE
Exclusive Discord server for all members of the program
Online scoreboard and progress tracker
Dedicated community to spar, analyze, & grow with
Tactical milestones/benchmarks to achieve
Opening, middlegame, & endgame sparring positions to hone your skills
Opening Repertoires (Aggressive 1.e4, Kostya's King's Indian, etc.)
Dojo Puzzle Database (collection of student found tactics)
SAMPLE TRAINING PLAN (1100-1200 band)
Play & annotate 35 classical games
Complete 12 post-mortems
Solve Polgar Mates 1-800
Puzzle Rush 5-min Score: 18
Puzzle Rush Survival Score: 25
Middlegame Sparring Position
Endgame Sparring Position + Algorithm
Silman - Complete Endgame Course Parts 1-2 (not included in program)
Chernev - Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played (not included)
Study 20 Classic Games (included)
Memorize 1 Classic Game (included)
Watch 60-min Opening Principles video (included)
Review model annotated game
Analyze game of someone rated 400-600
Review game w/ higher rated player
Also included within each training plan are videos/guides on how to properly study and train, PGNs of all games to study/memorize, opening repertoires, and other useful content. Not included are any books that must be purchased separately. To view the recommended books for each rating band, check out Books By Rating.
Subscribing at a monthly ($15) or yearly ($100) rate provides access to all training plans, as well as access to an exclusive Discord server where you will be able to ask questions, interact with your cohort, find sparring partners, and post your analysis/progress. Joining the Discord is an important part of the program to get you working and training with others in your group, so make sure to join once you have subscribed!
For more details on the program, make sure to check out the Training Program FAQ.
Not sure which band to join? No problem! Signing up for any individual plan (0-300, 400-500, 1100-1200, etc.) gives you access to every individual plan. So it is very easy to switch groups if the material is too easy/too difficult.
Furthermore, you can use the Rating Converter down below to help you figure out which group to join.
Please use the converter below to choose your appropriate rating level. All programs are based off of FIDE Classical ratings, and we've provided a table to help players figure out which group to join. While there is no exact science for a rating conversion, these are general estimates based on data we have collected. Remember that upon signing up, you will get access to all 21 plans (from 0-2500) and can easily switch to a different training plan whenever you like.